I have built my professional career by always providing exceptional service and 100% quality in all my deliverables. For my photography business this has been very easy because I love to work with people, I enjoy to fully exploit the latest and greatest in technical advances, and I only accept the best results before I hand anything over to a client. If I am not satisfied, I will not charge for the result.
On this page I am compiling some feedback from different locations; things that people said about me, about my work, or just about having had fun while working together for a while. Those locations include:
Lisa DiStefano Lannan (February 19, 2015)
I have known Axel now for 5 years. We have chosen to hire him for his photography skills for various things in those five years: dance competitions, live music shows, theater performances and now a senior portrait session. With all of these important events in our lives, he has captured the perfect shot. Axel is patient during those sessions and has been known to even wait that extra 15 minutes for that perfect sunset color. He is full of creative and imaginative poses to give you something unique and interesting. You can be assured too that Axel spends a great deal of time learning his craft and everything about his camera, his equipment and software so that he can give you the very best finished product. We look forward to using him for many more special moments and life milestones!
Rona Ebert, Art Director, ZACH Theatre (June 19, 2014)
Axel is one amazing photographer, especially at capturing very special moments during a class or performance here at ZACH Theatre. I always end up with so many great shots, I have a very hard time choosing the final images for a brochure or poster design. He has shot numerous performances for children for us, (performed by adults) and has taken stunning shots of young performers on our stages both in rehearsal settings and live on stage with all the theatrical lighting in place. Being an ex-ballroom dancer, he knows right when to grab the best motion shots too. In addition, I rely on Axel for a lot of promotional still shots for upcoming shows in the Education Department. He is always willing to come to the theatre with all gear in tow, and is also a talented director with good suggestions for the best shots of each performer or model. Axel has a great sense of humor, is kind and is very devoted to his craft. I can't recommend him enough.